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MuscleMX Activate Heating Balm
MuscleMX Activate Heating Balm


MuscleMX Activate Heating Balm

Strength *

Activate Heating Balm

Activate CBD heated muscle balm warms up and relieves sore muscles, joints and tendons. This heated balm helps reduce pain, achy areas and inflammation on your muscles, joints, and tendons. 

Activate warming balm helps prevent injury by increasing blood flow to the muscles, which warms them up, making them more flexible and less prone to strain or tear; this improved circulation also delivers more oxygen to the muscles, allowing them to perform better and recover faster, potentially reducing the risk of injury during physical activity.

  • Deep Penetrating Instant Relief
  • Easy, No Mess Application
  • All Natural Ingredients
  • Professionally Recommended
  • Broad Spectrum CBD - 0.00% THC

How to Use:

The advantage of using the balm stick is the no-touch application—simply apply it and go. Both the Activate Stick and Tub provide effective relief, offering the same benefits in different application forms to suit your preference.

  1. Ensure the skin where you plan to apply the balm is clean and dry.
  2. Remove the cap from the Muscle MX Activate CBD Balm container. Twist the base to expose the product.
  3. If using a stick balm, glide it directly over the targeted area.
  4. Apply even layers to the area experiencing discomfort, such as muscles, joints, or other areas needing relief.
  5. If you decide to (optional) use your fingers to massage the balm, gently massage the balm into your skin using circular motions. This helps the balm to penetrate the skin and increases blood flow to the area.
  6. After applying and massaging the balm, wash your hands thoroughly to avoid transferring the balm to your eyes or other sensitive areas.


  • CBD (Broad Spectrum)
  • Arnica Montana Extract
  • Camphor Oil
  • Caffeine Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Eucalyptus Oil
  • Menthol Crystals
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Beeswax
  • Vitamin E
  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Olive Oil
Company Info We all want the best possible life, for ourselves and our loved ones. That simple uniting idea was the spark that created Muscle MX. Our goal is to design and make the highest quality CBD products you can use from head to toe, at a moderate price.
What is Activate ACTIVATE – This topical balm is engineered to provide a warming sensation to give your muscles, joints, and tendons a kickstart before any activity. Use ACTIVATE as a natural alternative to help prime muscles and aid in injury prevention.
What is the Recovery RECOVERY – This topical balm is engineered to provide a cooling sensation to aid your muscles, joints, and tendons in the recovery process of athletic activity, injury, or normal day-to-day aches. Use RECOVERY as a natural addition to your recovery.
Broad Spectrum CBD Broad-spectrum CBD offers a diverse range of compounds that have the potential to provide an array of health benefits, surpassing those of CBD isolate.